1.Of course, in some cases (like the (General) rule), there is nothing less specific available in the defined rules.
2.In an argument over the general rule of Queen Elizabeth I, the queen told McCarthy that he was giving her "a lot of blarney" .
3.I never understand why patients are woken up between 5 and 6 a. m. to be washed but it seems to be the general rule in hospital everywhere.
4.Actually as a good, general rule, unless you're super confident, it tends to be better to veer towards more ordinary fonts.
5.As a general rule, aftershocks represent minor readjustments along the portion of a fault that slipped at the time of the main shock.
6.As a general rule, overtime working applications shall be subject to prior written approval of the General Manager.
7.The general rule is, whichever subtle body contains the greatest amount of energy, will have the strongest memories.
8.But the general rule seems to be that public transport in Los Angeles has a great future, and always will.
9.As a general rule, our noses, eyes and ears wind up in pretty much the right place on our heads.
10.Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule.